Monday Monday

Today was pretty good. For breakfast I had a pear, full of fiber, and a skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks. After my caffeine kicked in, I started cleaning the house. We have had pretty busy weeks and weekends and I just haven't had time to do laundry and organize. Today was the day, I went crazy. I cleaned and did so much laundry. That was my exercise for today for sure. I ended my day with 8k steps, almost to my goal.. Hopefully tomorrow....

For lunch I decided to make pasta. I had protein pasta with chicken, fresh tomatoes, zucchini, squash, and mushrooms all made in avocado oil. It was so good! 

For dinner I made Crock Pot Chicken in Salsa. I diced tomatoes, serrano pepper, green onion, bell pepper, cilantro, juice of one lime, 2 boneless skinless chicken breast, salt, pepper, garlic, and cumin. 
Cook on high for 5 hours or on low for 8 hours. 

I put it on top mixed greens, added diced tomatoes, cheese, and avocado. It was so good and filling. 

For my sweet treat I had a cup of fresh cherries. Cherries have some amazing benefits, especially at night. They are filled with magnesium, vitamin A and C and surprise, they have melatonin. A healthy sleep schedule helps you lose weight also. 

Made it through Day 1. Lets see what tomorrow has in store. 
TIP* I try to plan my meals for the week so that I am not tempted with any fast food or fattening foods. 



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