My Weight Loss Journey, Again & Again....

 And So It Begins...

Another Monday where I say I am going to start my diet. Que the eye roll, again. There have been many of these days. I think sometimes I have made it more than a week and others I only make it to Wednesday. There was a time in my life I really committed myself and lost over 60 pounds. 

I realized in order to do this I needed to do this and also be emotionally committed. 

Here's my background....

First of all I am 40 yrs old, I work with a top worldwide Biotech company as a Clinical Trial Educator in women's health and have also worked in Oncology. I am also CEO of Get Pressed LLC. I make wellness juices, detox juices and packages, and meal prep as a side hustle. I LOVE to cook and garden. I live in Dallas, TX. I have no thyroid and also have Crohn's disease. I weigh over 200 pounds. I am a mom of a 23 yr old and a 2 yr old. How crazy is that?!? Well, let me tell you. I was a teen mom at the age of 17. Very scary but I had a lot of help with my daughter. She is now a college graduate from St. John's University and graduated with honors. She got her bachelors degree in applied physics and plans on working in renewable energy with Tesla. I come from a very close Hispanic family, that should say A LOT, so much good Mexican food and great drinks! Both of my parents are educators and probably the most supportive and loving ever! I have the BEST partner EVER!!! He is so loving and so supportive and he is a wonderful dad to our son and my daughter. 

Let's talk about my journey and why we are here...

In 2008 I got married. It was a very rocky marriage from the start because I was married in March and in May I was Diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. I was told I needed surgery. I had surgery on June 12, 2008 to remove half of my thyroid. What a struggle. My emotions and hormones were all over the place. I found out my new husband had been cheating on me in August of 2008. Talk about a horrible feeling. But because of I was going through something so hard, I felt like I needed him, so I forgave him. Another Surgery to remove the rest of my thyroid in February of 2009, Multiple surgeries to remove lymph nodes and also radiation treatments. Fast forward, Our marriage was very rocky. Many times I had caught him cheating and finally one day when I suspected him of cheating, he was asleep and I took his phone to look and see and sure enough, I saw he had been talking to someone, but this time was different, he caught me looking at his phone and put his hands on me. He tried to get the phone back so bad. He was mad and packed up a small bag and walked out. 

Why didn't I forgive this time? I had been emotionally abused for years and you cant see the injuries from that, but once I saw the broken nails and bruises, I decided I was not going to allow it anymore. Next day I filed for divorce and a restraining order. 

I did go through depression after this and it was very hard. But one day I got up and said I was not going to allow this horrible person dictate how I live my life anymore. I got up and started working out, I stopped drinking alcohol and started eating right. I lost over 60 pounds! It was amazing. Then I had met someone. This person was nothing like anyone I thought I would've ended up with but I did and it was a beautiful blessing. We dated and had such a wonderful time together. In January of 2019 I had noticed that I was feeling rundown and tired a lot. I decided to call my endocrinologist about everything. He wanted to check everything to make sure the cancer wasn't back, He also checked to see if I was pregnant, I wasn't going to hold my breath on this, I had tried and tried so many years with my ex husband and nothing. I also beat myself up because I thought I was the problem. 

I received the news, I was not only CANCER FREE but I was also PREGNANT! 

September 2019 I had a beautiful baby boy! 

I struggled with getting the weight off and still do after having my son. I lived my life thinking I had Celiac disease because of what a doctor told me but it turns out I have Crohn's disease. My gut health is not normal at all. I struggle with bloating, constipation, weight gain, and so much more. Recently I also found out I am Insulin resistant. Now I am working on taking care of my health. I want to feel better and I want to be around for my kids lives. 

I am now the CEO of a company that makes wellness juices, detox juices and meal plans, and meal prep for many clients. I love to cook and help others achieve their health goals. I have also tried so many things but nothing has worked. This time I will be blogging about my struggles and achievements in my journey along the way and what I have tried to help me through this. I hope whoever is reading this will gain some inspiration to take your life back like the many times I have......


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