There is one thing I LOVE to do, post about Yummy and Healthy products. There are SO MANY... 

BUT this blog is about my real experience with something that may seem not too bad. 

Today my partner and I went to Costco. We LOVE Costco. There are so crazy delicious and healthy foods there and we are all for it! I get some items there for my meal preps and wellness juices. We also love their meat section which doesn't break the bank and very fresh. Also their produce is amazing! They also carry some healthy products like Chobani low sugar Greek yogurt, Many Keto friendly items, Stevia in bulk, Healthy Choice ice cream bars, Tatooed Chef Grain free Spanish rice, and I could keep going.... So many options and we LOVE it!!! 

Well my Partner has a sweet tooth and will always go to look at the pastries. There have been many times we will end up with chocolate chip cookies, cakes, muffins, etc.. in our basket. Well today's choice was danish. they sell them in 4 packs but you have to pick 2 of them. 

Well of course they look and taste delish! 
I am currently trying to lose weight but if I want a taste of something I am allowed. So I decided to try a piece of it. Lets keep in mind, I don't have a gallbladder and I also have Crohn's disease. I work from home and it was time for me to go pick up my son at daycare. It had been an hour since I had the taste of the danish. Well, all of a sudden I started to get the worst pain under my rib cage on the right hand side. Felt just like a gallbladder attack. I have had many of these when I wasnt watching my diet and it is a horrible pain. Because I dont have a gallbladder, which it's job is to store bile, and mainly to help break down fats and cholesterol. Well I no longer have this and whenever I have anything very fatty and full of cholesterol. I get a horrible pain. Well, Today I got this pain! I was driving and thought I was going to faint. It was so scary. I was breathing through the pain like I was in labor and working on my breathing. It was so scary. Finally I got back home okay. I started to think about what I had eaten. I had coffee from Starbucks and a croissant, I had chicken dumplings with soy sauce for lunch, and I had a piece of the danish. I decided to google the nutrition facts of everything. I finally got to the Danish, Here are the Nutrition facts:

Calories 500(2090 kJ)
% DV*
Total Fat27 g42%
Saturated Fat11 g55%
Trans Fat5 g
Cholesterol60 mg20%
Sodium470 mg20%
Total Carbohydrate59 g20%
Dietary Fiber1 g4%
Sugars36 g
Protein7 g
Calcium40 mg
Alcohol0 g
Iron1 mg
Vitamin A1000 mg

HOW CRAZY IS THIS?!?!? 20% of the daily value of cholesterol in a small pastry?!? This is the reason why I had the attack. Normally I am a lot more careful but I didn't even think it would be that bad. I mean when we think of cholesterol we think of fried foods, high fat foods like french fries, fried chicken, pizza, hamburgers, etc... not a small piece of a danish. I only had a piece but that meals it could be lets say half of the nutrition facts which is still crazy!  Be careful what you eat. It is very important you understand your body and what you should eat and what you shouldn't. As long as you are aware, you will make better choices most of the time. 


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