Vitamins, Antioxidants, Anti-Inflammatories, Minerals.... What do you do?

 There are so many things on the market and so many ads, commercials, social media videos, before and afters, etc.. I could keep going. What do you do and why? 

For me it is very simple. 

No Thyroid means I am on medication for the rest of my life. And that hormone fluctuates so much so that means my weight also does the same. (Eye Roll) I also take other supplements. 

Magnesium - This helps me with my gut health, also helps with blood sugar levels, depression, and heart health. Since I am insulin resistant, this is very important. 

Because I have Crohn's disease, my gut health is not the best and it leads to so many other vitamin deficiencies. I am anemic, so I have Iron infusions, and I am low on vitamin D so I take 50,000 IU a week. I also take a women's multivitamin with extra calcium. 

I have also added a couple of other things to my diet. I use Orgain Organic Protein powder. It is amazing, 21 grams or protein, 5 grams of prebiotics and fiber, and only 1 gram of sugar! And it tastes GREAT! 

I also use Vital Proteins Collagen which is also amazing! I switch them and only take each 1-2 times a week. Since I just started my exercise routine again, I try not to take too much. 

My exercise routine is simple

15 minute yoga 2 times a week and high aerobic zumba in the pool 3 times a week. Swimming is my perfect exercise. I live in Texas so it HOT in the summer and swimming is a complete full body workout with resistance. I LOVE IT! That is how I was able to lose over 60 pounds before. 

I have also worked on making sure I get a full 10k steps a day. It is important to move around so that is what I am working on doing. 

Be careful what you read when it comes to weight loss. There isn't a miracle drug or supplement. It takes work and knowing what your body needs. Always consult with your physician before taking anything. 


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