

 There is one thing I LOVE to do, post about Yummy and Healthy products. There are SO MANY...  BUT this blog is about my real experience with something that may seem not too bad.  Today my partner and I went to Costco. We LOVE Costco. There are so crazy delicious and healthy foods there and we are all for it! I get some items there for my meal preps and wellness juices. We also love their meat section which doesn't break the bank and very fresh. Also their produce is amazing! They also carry some healthy products like Chobani low sugar Greek yogurt, Many Keto friendly items, Stevia in bulk, Healthy Choice ice cream bars, Tatooed Chef Grain free Spanish rice, and I could keep going.... So many options and we LOVE it!!!  Well my Partner has a sweet tooth and will always go to look at the pastries. There have been many times we will end up with chocolate chip cookies, cakes, muffins, etc.. in our basket. Well today's choice was danish. they sell them in 4 packs but you have to pic

Vitamins, Antioxidants, Anti-Inflammatories, Minerals.... What do you do?

 There are so many things on the market and so many ads, commercials, social media videos, before and afters, etc.. I could keep going. What do you do and why?  For me it is very simple.  No Thyroid means I am on medication for the rest of my life. And that hormone fluctuates so much so that means my weight also does the same. (Eye Roll) I also take other supplements.  Magnesium - This helps me with my gut health, also helps with blood sugar levels, depression, and heart health. Since I am insulin resistant, this is very important.  Because I have Crohn's disease, my gut health is not the best and it leads to so many other vitamin deficiencies. I am anemic, so I have Iron infusions, and I am low on vitamin D so I take 50,000 IU a week. I also take a women's multivitamin with extra calcium.  I have also added a couple of other things to my diet. I use Orgain Organic Protein powder. It is amazing, 21 grams or protein, 5 grams of prebiotics and fiber, and only 1 gram of sugar! And

Monday Monday

Today was pretty good. For breakfast I had a pear, full of fiber, and a skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks. After my caffeine kicked in, I started cleaning the house. We have had pretty busy weeks and weekends and I just haven't had time to do laundry and organize. Today was the day, I went crazy. I cleaned and did so much laundry. That was my exercise for today for sure. I ended my day with 8k steps, almost to my goal.. Hopefully tomorrow.... For lunch I decided to make pasta. I had protein pasta with chicken, fresh tomatoes, zucchini, squash, and mushrooms all made in avocado oil. It was so good!  For dinner I made Crock Pot Chicken in Salsa. I diced tomatoes, serrano pepper, green onion, bell pepper, cilantro, juice of one lime, 2 boneless skinless chicken breast, salt, pepper, garlic, and cumin.  Cook on high for 5 hours or on low for 8 hours.  I put it on top mixed greens, added diced tomatoes, cheese, and avocado. It was so good and filling.  For my sweet treat I had a cup o

My Weight Loss Journey, Again & Again....

 And So It Begins... Another Monday where I say I am going to start my diet. Que the eye roll, again. There have been many of these days. I think sometimes I have made it more than a week and others I only make it to Wednesday. There was a time in my life I really committed myself and lost over 60 pounds.  I realized in order to do this I needed to do this and also be emotionally committed.  Here's my background.... First of all I am 40 yrs old, I work with a top worldwide Biotech company as a Clinical Trial Educator in women's health and have also worked in Oncology. I am also CEO of Get Pressed LLC. I make wellness juices, detox juices and packages, and meal prep as a side hustle. I LOVE to cook and garden. I live in Dallas, TX. I have no thyroid and also have Crohn's disease. I weigh over 200 pounds. I am a mom of a 23 yr old and a 2 yr old. How crazy is that?!? Well, let me tell you. I was a teen mom at the age of 17. Very scary but I had a lot of help with my daughter.